Dawn is not only an amazing woman, but an inspiration! My life felt like it was constantly on a roller coaster ride from dealing with everyday life issues, being a mom, wife, and business owner I had many challenges. Most days I couldn't get out of my way, everything seemed so difficult.
I have learned so much in this journey called life. Dawn's guidance has taught me to be patient and take one thing at a time as we would say "Put it in your pool let it float"! I learned that life is not a race. I can clearly articulate a future vision for myself and define my priorities to achieve a greater work/life balance, significantly impacting other aspects of my life.
With Dawn's supportive coaching style, I gained confidence in myself and my abilities and pushed myself to make long-overdue career moves. I have experienced what I can only describe as exponential internal growth. With Dawn's support, I held myself accountable for making choices and decisions that were being avoided. She is an expert in time and energy management, leading to her overall spirit and excellence as a life coach.
Thank you Dawn for Helping me reach my goals and have a better understanding of myself as a whole. I enjoyed all of our laughter and tears. I'm grateful and I wouldn't be where I am today without her guidance.
- Erica T.

Meeting and talking with Dawn was exactly what I needed. I have been on this healing journey for a while now. Life has been hard, and my trauma was dictating basically everything. I was stuck; I felt glued in place, unproductive, tired, overwhelmed, stressed and I had difficulty finding and feeling JOY. I was trying to heal myself and it wasn’t working.
I spent some time working on my physical body with a trainer last summer. While it wasn’t long - it felt good, and I started to feel a bit better. It triggered something in me to want to work on my mental health and well-being. That is how my journey with Dawn began.
Through Dawn, I learned that your mental, spiritual, emotional and physical self all work together. Healing one, leads to gains and healing in all areas. So as I started to feel good in my physical body the rest of me yearned to feel better too. As I began to talk about my life and myself, I started to realize that this was exactly where I needed to be. Dawn held space for me and asked me the hard questions. The ones that made me think, reflect, let go and move forward.
I spent 6 months with Dawn, mostly once a week. I looked forward to our meetings because I honestly felt things shifting every day because of our work together and I wanted to share and explore those shifts. Because of this work, I am more self-aware, and I have solid goals to work towards. I feel less stressed at work and more centered. Don’t get me wrong, there are still days I’m waist deep in queso and chips, those days will always be there. But how I handle them; how I get up, dust myself off and move forward, that’s the new me. And I’m finally starting to love and appreciate her. Thank you, Dawn. What a blessing these past six months have been for me.
If you are in a place where you have been wanting to experience positive change and you just don’t know how to go about it, a Nurse Coach may be just what you need! I highly recommend Dawn’s coaching. Her life experiences and her education help her support you as you look deep and identify exactly where you want to be. Working with Dawn, you will be working towards the future you - She will ask the hard questions and provide you the guidance, tools and a safe space to help you get there!
- Megan L.
Before I started working with Dawn I had just experienced significant loss in my life. Relationships on all levels were struggling and I was having a hard time with setting and holding boundaries. While working with Dawn, I became much more focused on myself and making sure that I am taken care of and not putting others needs and feelings above my own. Throughout the sessions we focused on many different facets of life and how they all fit together. Overall, since my last session, I can say that I have an easier time with setting boundaries and holding them, knowing that I am worth the effort of being “poured into” regarding relationships of all types and I feel like I have a better foundation for myself to stand upon. I recommend working with Dawn to anyone who feels spread thin, under-appreciated, who needs to find a balance in life and who also needs validation that they exist as a person outside of their responsibilities. It was an absolute pleasure working with her. She is phenomenal!
- Courtney F.
I started working with Dawn in June of 2022! I had just started a new business on top of trying to find myself again after having twin boys in 2021. I was just at a point where I felt I needed to take back control! After only seeing Dawn for a month or so, I arrived at one of my sessions completely lost and with the news that my dad had been diagnosed with Stage 4 Cancer. I didn't know that the next seven months would be about me finding myself, learning how to cope and handle situations, sticking up for myself, and grieving. If it wasn't for Dawn helping me lay the foundation for those things, I'd be fighting to survive daily. "It's never a coincidence..." my sessions starting with Dawn when my dad got sick and seeing her up until two weeks after his passing, even with all of my grieving, I felt in control and like I had the bull by it's horns. I knew I could leave her office and continue to use the tools she taught me. Whether you're grieving, a mom who is trying to earn her pink back, or just someone feeling a little lost in life, calling Dawn was the best decision I made for myself!
- Keely T.
Before I met Dawn, I was feeling lost, angry, like a building came crashing down on me. I couldn't find my way, my balance. I had so many things going on in my life and didn't know what direction to turn. Dawn was put in my life for a reason; to help guide me and she definitely shed light on my path and helped me pave it. I've gained insight on so many things; she gave me clarity. I feel like I have a clearer view and my eyes are wide open. We all have things in life, it's dealing with them head on. Our choices are lessons or blessings; Dawn was definitely a blessing.
I felt like I could be myself around her without judgement; she accepted me for me. I loved her gentle heart, who she is as a person. My experience with her is beyond words, how she touched my heart. My favorite part is how we laughed and cried; she put everything into understanding, everything you were going through. I feel as if my benefits, results, and achievements were always in my pocket and she helped me to open up my mind and love myself for the bad ass I am!
Dawn is my powerhouse. She gave me the strengths to believe in myself again. I would highly recommend Dawn to anyone who is struggling in life, love, relationships; really anything! She is amazing.
- Erica T.
Working with Dawn was exactly what I needed, exactly when I needed it. You often hear of people “doing the work”. I was one of them, yet even with the tools and strategies I have gained over the years, I was missing a link. I was missing a way to truly move forward and step into the next chapter.
Part of my goal was to integrate all the tools I have learned and healing I’ve done, to be able to get out of my own way. Dawn took my goals and encouraged me through them, as well as encouraging me to sit with the true reasons I was holding myself back. Having her hold
me accountable, and teaching me how to hold space for myself in a productive way has truly been life changing.
I will carry this growth and experience with me always. Thank you Dawn!!
Much Love <3 <3 <3
- Sarah S.

I have been in the place of darkness for the last 2 years trying to figure out where my life was going.
Dawn’s incredible listening skills, warm heart and understanding of my situation made talking with her so easy. She has guided me into positive thinking and helping me with the guilt of moving on.
My experience has been incredible!
- Joanie R.

This experience was fantastic!
Dawn has a way of talking to you and asking questions that you wanted to answer honestly.
Dawn gave me the ability to stop looking ahead but focus on the moments as they were happening in my life.
Dawn allowed me to realize I am no good to anyone if my glass is empty, this has made me a better mother, spouse, employer – realizing that life can bulldoze over you if you let it.
- Genevieve H.
“Peter's insightful inquiry helped me be honest with myself about what was keeping me from pursuing the things I wanted to achieve. He helped me develop strategies to overcome limiting habits I had been struggling with for years. My coaching sessions with Peter have had a lasting impact because all the insights were earned through a kind of honest work that leads to a unique empowerment that I can’t help but continue to pursue.”
Dawn is a very understanding person and very welcoming. I felt that I could talk to her about anything.
One big achievement was taking time for myself; I very rarely do anything for myself.
I have learned new ways to de-stress like at the beginning of each day taking a few minutes to myself to just relax before I start my day.
My experience working with Dawn was great!
- Jessica S.
Dawn helped me to realize you have time for what you make time for; changing my morning has changed my life.
Dawn was kind and caring in our sessions, she listened deeply and asked permission to make the best suggestion which has truly changed my life.
I highly recommend Dawn for anyone who may be going through something and needs coaching!
- Tabitha, H.
“Working with you was instrumental in helping me figure out what I want from life, breaking big goals down into a series of small concrete achievable goals to help get me where I want to go, and in learning self-calming practices and self-encouragement strategies that can be used as tools to help me get unstuck from negative thought patterns.”